Sunday, 9 February 2025

Mediterranean Gull - Bakewell

 A surprise this morning to find a first winter Mediterranean Gull with the Black-headed Gulls at Bakewell Bridge. I check the gulls every time I go in the hope of finding one but it's something of a shock when you actually do! 

I'm not aware of any previous records in Bakewell but with the number of Black-headed Gulls there it seems likely that they must occur occasionally.

Mediterranean Gull - first winter with Black-headed Gulls

Two Little Egrets by the Fire Station is also unusual although a single bird has been in the area for a month or so.

Little Egret

Twelve Hawfinch at St Helen's Church yesterday is my highest count of the winter with 8 seen there this morning. They like to site in the Alders at the back of the church having eaten some of the Yew berries.


  1. Lovely looking gulls and nice Egret. I've never seen an Egret up here!

  2. The two Little Egrets are hanging around Bakewell and Little Egrets are gradually spreading in to the Peak District so I think we will see more of them in the future


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