Tuesday 21 May 2024

Red-legged Partridge - Elton Common

 I visited Elton Common looking for, or rather listening for Quail this afternoon but there was no sign, it's still a little early for Quail in any case. There is also a chance of Yellow Wagtail in the meadows of the White Peak but I had no luck there either.

I did flush a pair of partridge and had brief views before they landed in a grassy field full of what I took to be some kind of buttercup. I was fairly sure they were Red-legged Partridge but really need a view to confirm. I scanned the field for ten minutes then saw a head pop up and managed a photo before the bird disappeared. It was a long way off and the photo is out of focus but it was enough to confirm their identity as Red-legged Partridge.

Interestingly I've had more local records of Quail over the years than I have Red-legged Partridge so it was a successful trip after all!

Red-leeged Partridge

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