Monday 20 May 2024

An evening on Beeley Moor

 When I gave my update on returning migrants I forget to mention the Hobby. The first returning birds were reported on the moor on 31st April and have been seen irregularly since, the cold weather preventing insects emerging on the moor. Recent warmer weather has brought out the moths and I saw at least three birds last night hunting what I presume were Fox Moths.

Eurasian Hobby

More unusual though was a Short-eared Owl, my last sighting was of a bird present for just a few hours in April last year. Hopefully this bird will stay longer.

Short-eared Owl

In the forestry clear fell I had several Woodcock and at least four Eurasian Nightjar churring. It was a feat of endurance waiting for them to start churring at around 21:30 as there were clouds of biting midges, but worth it in the end.

Eurasian Woodcock

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