Tuesday 17 September 2024

Shoveler at Chatsworth

 Having been abroad for almost a month it was good to get back to the moors yesterday and Chatsworth today. With another inversion, the day started misty at Chatsworth but I hadn't walked far before I heard the sound of Pink-footed Geese overhead, my first of the autumn and always great to hear. Unfortunately I couldn't see them due to the mist but I did see another skein later.

I was surprised and pleased to see a Little Egret still present by the river below the House but the bird of the day was a female Shoveler which flew up with a small group of Teal when a Grey Heron disturbed them from the pool they had been feeding on. 

My last record locally was at Chatsworth in November 2015 and it's only about my sixth for the Patch so a scarce visitor here.

Northern Shoveler female (top right) with Eurasian Teal
Little Egret

Pink-footed Geese

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