Friday 20 January 2017

Objections to the inclusion of New Parish Quarry in the Local Minerals Plan

Having spent almost all of my working like in the quarrying industry I am better placed than most to appreciate the positive impacts that quarrying and quarry restoration can have on wildlife. Locally the success of Peregrines Falcons and Ravens is largely due to the nesting habitat provided by both current and former quarries and there are many old quarries that are now managed as wildlife reserves both locally and nationally in recognition of their conservation value.
Peregrine Falcon

Derbyshire County Council is currently consulting on proposals to include a new quarry on Bent Lane in Darley Dale in the Minerals Local Plan which would be known as New Parish Quarry. The proposed site would cover 15.7 hectares and produce 500,000 to 800,000 tonnes of building stone between 2019 and 2039. 
I think the negative impacts of the proposal to open this new quarry on local wildlife far out weigh the benefits in this instance.
Proposed site of New Parish Quarry
Some details and a very limited impact assessment for the quarry are available on the Derbyshire County Council website along with details of where to send comments, which should be submitted by Sunday 29th January (all though I understand that this date may be extended due to the late inclusion of these proposals in to the draft Minerals Local Plan).
I have written to object expressing my concerns about the negative impact of the quarry but also about proposals to widen Bent Lane for HGV traffic which I think would devastate this quiet lane. Many bird watchers will have enjoyed watching Brambling feeding on Beech mast under these beautiful trees and its hard to imagine how these could survive the widening of the road to enable the passage of quarry vehicles.
My letter is reproduced below and I encourage you to read the details provided by Derbyshire County Council using the link above and submit your own letter of objection.
There have been several meetings recently organised by Darley Dale Parish Council to discuss the proposals but I have missed these having just returned from France.
A facebook page has been set up which will contain updates on the proposals.

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