Sunday 25 October 2020

Grey Phalarope - Bakewell

 A report of a Grey Phalarope in Bakewell took me completely by surprise this morning. I was just returning from a walk at Chatsworth when I heard the news so diverted to Bakewell. Always a bit sceptical when I hear something so unexpected but there it was feeding happily just a few feet from the path by the island below Bakewell Bridge.

It was completely unconcerned by the many day trippers walking within a few metres of it, many stopping to take a photo and ask what it was. There were some strong winds yesterday which had displaced a Kittiwake to Carsington but I certainly hadn't expected any inland Grey Phalaropes but here it was in Bakewell.

A maritime species in winter, after breeding north of the Arctic Circle they migrate down the North Atlantic, often well off-shore to winter of South and West Africa so this bird is well off the expected route but will presumably head back out sea now the winds have eased.

Grey Phalarope

1 comment:

  1. Lovely bird I saw one quite a few years ago at Stubbing Court near Chesterfield. I took loads of shots and the next day lots of Bird Spotters were there, but it had gone.


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