Sunday, 9 February 2025

Mediterranean Gull - Bakewell

 A surprise this morning to find a first winter Mediterranean Gull with the Black-headed Gulls at Bakewell Bridge. I check the gulls every time I go in the hope of finding one but it's something of a shock when you actually do! 

I'm not aware of any previous records in Bakewell but with the number of Black-headed Gulls there it seems likely that they must occur occasionally.

Mediterranean Gull - first winter with Black-headed Gulls

Two Little Egrets by the Fire Station is also unusual although a single bird has been in the area for a month or so.

Little Egret

Twelve Hawfinch at St Helen's Church yesterday is my highest count of the winter with 8 seen there this morning. They like to site in the Alders at the back of the church having eaten some of the Yew berries.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely looking gulls and nice Egret. I've never seen an Egret up here!


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