Sunday, 2 February 2025

Lesser Scaup - Carsington Water

 Carsington Water continues its amazing run of rare and scarce birds today with a second County record of Lesser Scaup. A female this time found this morning at the Millfields end.

Lesser Scaup female in the shade (top) and sunshine (below)
Very similar to female Tufted Duck but the pale flanks of Lesser Scaup continue on to the mantle whereas the mantle is darker than the flanks in female Tufted. In flight the white wing bar is restricted to the secondaries but extends across the primaries in Tufted. The head looks rather more pointed in Lesser Scaup but varies a bit with posture.

I also saw the female Ring-necked Duck in the same area but there are still two Greater Scaup present plus Great Northern and Red-throated Divers so there is plenty to look for there.

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