
Friday, 27 December 2013

Little Grebe - Cromford Canal

It would be interesting to count how many pairs of Little Grebe there are on Cromford Canal, it looks like there is a pair every 50 metres or so. I'll do the walk and count in the early Spring I think.
It's certainly a great place to photograph them although the weather was poor today. No sign of any Water Vole today.
Little Grebe


  1. Typically about 8 pairs of LG down there Andy, very few after High Peak Junction, though usually a pair beyond Gregory Tunnel. I was concerned they may be displaced by the Coot boom down there.
    Re Mistletoe, a couple of examples on the meadows near the Cricket club, in Limes I think

  2. Thanks Clive, thought there might be more Little Grebes but I've only really looked at the section to High Peak Junction where this photo was taken.
    Guess my Mistleltoe could be on Lime.
